D&D Beyond - The character builder is quite spiffy! | Dungeons & Dragons / Fantasy D20 Spotlight (2024)


Emaciated do gooder

20 Year Hero!

  • May 25, 2022
  • #1

I saw that D&D Beyond was giving everyone a copy of the Lost Mine of Phandelver as well as Acquisitions Incorporated (I think). I haven't gone through it all but I'm liking what I see. I've been playing around with the PC builder and it's quite sophisticated with a good amount of detail. Very impressive. I even spent some time recreating one of my favorite non-core races and subclasses. As fun as that is I'm considering buying some of the supplements to make things even easier. Am I right in thinking that Monsters of the Multiverse and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything provide the most bang for the buck as far as PC creation options? I know Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft also includes some interesting lineages so I might look at that as well. I'm even looking at the bundles but that's a ton of money for a game I rarely get to play. Does anyone here spend much time on the platform?



10 Year Stalwart!

  • May 25, 2022
  • #2

Our group (currently playing online) uses Beyond pretty much exclusively for character creation and in game tracking.

As a DM having all of the spells and monster stats a few clicks away is very handy for keeping the game running smoothly.

The only real downside to Beyond is that you need to but all of the books again in digital format and subscribe to get all of the benefits. I am happy that I get my money's worth out of it but not everyone feels the same.

  • May 25, 2022
  • #3

I adore it. I get why much of the content is paywalled, but I really like that you can purchase sections (I need feats more than I need new races). It really helps streamline the process of making a character and also it'll figure your multiclass spell slots for you.


Sir Andrew

10 Year Stalwart!

  • May 25, 2022
  • #4

Acquisitions Inc is free through today.

Xanthar's had a lot of material. The ala carte options are nice and there's a ton of material to build and it's a simple interface.

And I don't spend much time on the platform, as I went there for the free stuff that came with Essentials and the family that I thought would play aren't playing or are playing homebrew material. And I found out after a bad campaign of going through the modules that this iteration of D&D isn't my taste. But Hasbro's still getting some money from me.


Tsundere Cat

20 Year Hero!

  • May 25, 2022
  • #5

Xanthar, Tasha, and Monsters of the Multiverse are the three key "expanded character option" books, in addition to having other content.

As a GM, I use D&D Beyond to quickly whip up major NPCs.

After being in a campaign where the GM shared their books via D&D Beyond, I found it so helpful that, after the campain ended, I bought the "all rules" package (everything but the adventures, at the time), and I've bought all my future books on D&D Beyond rather than in print.


build housing, dammit

15 Year Compatriot!

  • May 25, 2022
  • #6

I've been doing most of my gaming via online platforms (Discord and Zoom), and though we're not playing D&D at the moment it's really convenient to use the CB and die roller when we do.



10 Year Stalwart!

  • May 27, 2022
  • #7

Been using the beta Encounter Builder recently for my online Discord group, using the Avrae bot. We've been using Beyond to run our games.

Tonight we're testing out Above VTT, an extension that lays on top of DDB.



RPGnet Member

  1. D&D Beyond - The character builder is quite spiffy! | Dungeons & Dragons / Fantasy D20 Spotlight (10)

  • May 27, 2022
  • #8

It is really handy. I shared out the books to the people in my campaign, so everyone had access to pretty much all the creation options without having to pay for the stuff themselves. The integration with the Avrae Discord bot for dice rolling is handy, even if some of the commands for different rolls are a bit arcane, even if you're not playing a wizard.


Sir Andrew

10 Year Stalwart!

  • May 28, 2022
  • #9

Ramien said:

It is really handy. I shared out the books to the people in my campaign, so everyone had access to pretty much all the creation options without having to pay for the stuff themselves. The integration with the Avrae Discord bot for dice rolling is handy, even if some of the commands for different rolls are a bit arcane, even if you're not playing a wizard.

Well, Avrae is programmed in a flavor of Python called Draconic. Avrae has replaced my other dice bots, as it's nice to do a multiroll to create characters or roll up treasure.

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D&D Beyond - The character builder is quite spiffy! | Dungeons & Dragons / Fantasy D20 Spotlight (2024)
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